Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And another Tuesday

YES! It's Tuesday....so hard to be optimistic about a Tuesday.

Yesterday being a Monday was a hard day to get through - but thankfully its over. I had a quiet day at the office and got home at my usual time at around 6:15.

Neither Stuart nor Hugo were there for dinner but we still had a good group - Audrey, her friend Kathryn, Emmanuel, and me. We had deer, sausages, vegetables, and something similar to a spring roll. It was all great! For the first time I tasted a leichi (sp?) which is a tropical fruit that looks like a cross between a rasberry and a grape. You have to peel the skin off to eat it and there is a seed in the middle. The fruit itself is an offwhite/clear color.

This afternoon I have a meeting up in Mont Choisy (where I was this weekend). I will enjoy the break from staring at my computer!

Some little things:
-My friend Jean-Francois and I can't look at each other without cracking up after this past crazy weekend - I'm sure everyone in the office thinks we are nuts
-I am starting to get to know people's cars by their license plates - for example I saw Stephanie this morning on the way in and Alex and I tend to run into each other at the grocery store
-in general, I am referred to as "La Petite Americaine" (The little american) even though I am nowhere near little

More later...

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