Friday, November 7, 2008


Well I am happy that its Friday - another week is over. It is starting to become bittersweet as I have some mixed feelings...on the one hand I am excited to see all of you again very soon but I will be sad to leave the friends that I have made here!

All week long I have not gone to bed before 11:30 and I am paying for it today. I have had so much fun getting to know the others that have come to stay at Audrey's!

Nothing fantastic happened yesterday afternoon - I was just at the office in front of my computer like usual. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home as it was my turn to buy the wine (Audrey and I switch off). I relaxed for awhile until everyone else came home. Someone else joined us yesterday, a south african architect named Stuart who is staying here until the beginning of december for work. I felt awful as he was the only one at the dinner table who could not speak french. I tried to make an effort to translate what we were saying and tried to speak english to him because I didn't want him to feel left out. He went to bed earlier than the rest of us - I hope his feelings weren't hurt.

Emanuel goes back to his family in Reunion (another island right next to Mauritius) for the weekend today. Hugo is coming with me to happy hour with my work friends this afternoon so that should be fun. Tomorrow I am off to Mont Choisy which is in the north for a huge party with my coworkers - its all anyone has been talking about for the past month or so!

I will update you all on all of the trouble I will have caused on Monday!

Some little things:
-I see the same white pick-up everyday that has "FOREVA" written on it
-I got stopped this morning by the police who were stopping random people to see if they had driver's licenses - I lied and said I was on vacation here and that my car belonged to Audrey - I was somewhat annoyed that the whole process delayed my commute
-I have no idea why bicyclists insist on riding in the middle of the road when they know full well that there is a huge chance of getting run over
-there is a sign that I see everyday that says "Cremation Ground" - do I really need it thrown in my face that dead bodies get burned just down the road from where I am stuck in traffic?

More later...

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Love your blogg, Kallay.