Wednesday, October 29, 2008

EXACTLY 2 months today!

As the title of today's post indicates, it was exactly 2 months ago that my jetlagged self stepped off the plane in Mauritius only to be questionned about my terrorist and free-loading ways by the customs agent. Alot has happened since then as i'm sure my faithful readers will agree! I continue to learn a lot and am still having a great time!

After a lazy dinner on Monday night, I got ready to go and meet some friends up in the north so that we could profit from the nightlife (No work yesterday since it was Divali, an indian religious holiday - read my last post for more information). My new friends Nicole and Lee (brother and sister pair who live with their dad in a gorgeous house in the north) had a bunch of us over beforehand. They have a british mother and a mauritian dad so they are more at ease with speaking english. Nicole works as a TV producer for the only Mauritian television network (the name escapes me) and creates all of the english radio jingles - so cool! My friend Sebastian who was also there works at the horse race track on the administrative side.

We all left at around midnight to go to Les Enfants Terribles. It was boring as usual so we changed our minds and drove the short distance up the road to Zanzibar (the normal watering hole). It seemed like I either knew well or had met once or twice at least half of the people there. We were there until the sun came up and then when back to go to sleep. I got home after my "nap" at around noon on tuesday.

Unfortunately, it was a bit overcast so I did not go to the beach because there was no sun. I was tired anyway so I read my book and napped most of the day.

We had lasagna with eggplant for dinner last night which was absolutely delicious! Robert and Celia had seen more baby birds and then went on a picnic for lunch.

I went to bed at around 10:30 but it was somewhat difficult to wake up this morning. Hopefully the day turns out to be interesting -HUMP DAY!!

Some little things:
-i just finished a very interesting book - "The Kite Runner" - I recommend it to anyone that wants to read a true page turner!!
-it was so neat to see the lights everywhere for Divali - imagine a house that goes all out on christmas decorations minus santa and his sleigh
-I have noticed that whenever I am out at night, even though we all see each other at least once weekly, everyone acts as though they haven't seen each other in years but i must admit that its quite sweet actually (KALLAY!!!! Ca va?!?! *air kisses*)
-i felt very intelligent as i explained our electoral college to my friends on monday night and to Robert and Celia (one of the few things that I remember from my 6th grade social studies teacher Mr. Stone)
-i have spoken WAY too much english these last couple of days due to getting to know robert and celia as well as being with the group that I was with on Monday night - its back to french for now - i was way too spoiled!

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