Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hump Day again...

Thankfully - my car is back to being happy and healthy! Someone came to my house yesterday and fixed the battery. I got to work safely this morning.

I forgot to set my alarm last night but luckily I woke up when I normally do-around 6:30 completely on my own! I heard somewhere that if you need an alarm to wake up in the morning that you are sleep deprived but if you wake up when you are supposed to, you are not. I think its the first time in my life that I am not sleep deprived lol.

Other than that - the rest of yesterday was uneventful. Alex and I had lunch as usual and I worked the rest of the afternoon. Luckily the meeting I was supposed to have yesterday wasn't confirmed so it wasn't a big deal that I was carless.

Audrey and I had some sort of chicken dish with beans and sausage for dinner last night - it was great!

I have a meeting this afternoon about an hour north of here at around 2:00. Hopefully it goes well!!

Some little things:
-imagine the corn fields in the midwest that seem to go on for miles - that is what the sugar cane fields are like here except with mountains in the background
-i told alex on the ride home yesterday that i smelled chinese food - he said it was the sugar cane burning
-was listening to two mauritians discuss the US presidential election at lunch yesterday - bizarre

More later...

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