Friday, December 5, 2008

One of my last fridays...

As of today - I officially have two weeks left until my last day. It feels strange to say the least..

It has started to get hot again - almost to the point of unbearable. It is the afternoon and I am so ready to go home and start my weekend!

The past day or so has been uneventful - nothing particularly groundbreaking to report. It was a quiet evening at home last night as it was just Audrey and I for dinner - Benjamin didn't come home until 11 pm!

I've been at work since about 8:30 this morning and had a severe stomach ache this morning. I located some aspirin and I feel much better. Alex and I continued our tradition of going to the Caudan (waterfront) for lunch (we go just about every friday). I like going there because it is fun to eat outside and watch the world go by.

There are more presents to organize this afternoon and I hope it goes by quickly! There is no happy hour excursion this evening as we all are getting up early tomorrow to spend the day on a catamaran in the north. I'm sure that I will have a plethora of stories to report on Monday. Till then!!

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