Thursday, November 20, 2008

On Cloud 9!

No I am not on cloud 9 because I met the love of my life and plan on getting married this weekend - Facebook now works on my phone!!!! I have been deprived for so long and am ecstatic to be somewhat back in the loop with my friends back home in the US of A.

I am so happy that it is Thursday but time continues to fly here. The days go by faster and faster and sadly I don't have much time left here in the grand scheme of things.

Yesterday it was so hot that it was to the point of uncomfortable - just awful. One of those "thighs stick to the chair" days. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened - just at the office and then went home. I helped Greta and Cindy wrap presents all afternoon for some of our current clients - I never want to see another notepad again.

We had chicken and shrimp for dinner and we were all up late as usual. Audrey's friend Christiane came over after dinner to hang out for a little while. Turns out she is on facebook as well!

Nothing interesting so far has happened this morning - Paul is back from a business trip to Madagascar so the office is abuzz!

Some little things:
-Alex and Stephanie arent the only ones that I regularly see on the road in the mornings - I see lots of the same cars and I wonder if they notice me too
-I always manage to get stuck behind a bus
-Emmanuel's car has bright yellow seats and Audrey says that she can picture him jamming out to Bollywood music as he cruises down the road
-I can't go to the grocery store without running in to someone I know

More later...

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