Friday, September 19, 2008

Another post....

So I had to post a little bit more today....

So I got back from lunch a little while ago with Alex. He suggested that we go to the one and only McDonalds here in Mauritius.
-There were a few things I had never seen before-such as a chicken mac as an alternative to a big mac
-I had a "royal cheeseburger"-somewhat of a quarter pounder
-Alex got more food than I did naturally-his large fry was the size of a medium in the states and his large drink was the size of a medium as well
-I had the perfect amount of food-my average sized burger and my "medium" aka small fry were more than substantial
-I noticed that the patty itself was more salty than the ones in the states
-No dollar menus to speak of

I went to the Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) to exchange some american dollars I still had for Mauritian rupees. The line was so long it kept wrapping around-I must have waited for about 20 minutes. The place I tried to go before, which I thought was a bank, was actually a cell phone company. I'm glad no one I know saw me....

I'm starting to learn my way around Port Louis now and its not as difficult as it used to be thank goodness-even with all of the one way streets

Hopefully this afternoon goes back quickly!

More later....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay you going to the cell phone company on accident is hilarious. You dealing in rupees is a close second. I'm picturing you arguing with a person at the market trying to get the price of a head of lettuce down to 600 rupees.