Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well its Tuesday and just to warn you, there is not much to report today.

Some little things:
-On Mauritian TV during the commercials, there are little PSA's that pop up regularly on the bottom of the screen that say things like "don't snack between meals," "exercise regularly," and "eat your fruits and vegetables." Maybe this is why there is no obesity epidemic to speak of here
-As most of the roads here are two lane-in order to pass someone in front of you-you have to make sure there is no one driving in the other direction. I have seen way too many "chicken on the tracks" scenarios
-still surprised I have not killed a motorcyclist
-people think that Pizza Hut is the greatest invention since sliced bread and they don't understand why I don't feel the same
-whenever my car goes over a large bump in the road-my CD skips
-buses are very dangerous in that they come from all directions
-there continues to be an unbearable amount of noise around the office due to the continuous construction
-the parking attendant was surprised that i parked on the street today-i told him i was not in the mood to be blocked in today

Yesterday was a typical Monday-did lots more work on my Surveys only to have my boss tear them apart again. I was in bed by 9:45 and woke up at 6:30 this morning. I plan to work with Excel today because Paul says it is more efficient.

More later..

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